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Friday 21 February 2025, 10:30-11:30 in the Clagett Auditorium
TALK: Miracles, ‘Madness’, and Mistaken Identity
with Dr Rachel Koopmans and Léonie Seliger
Dating back to circa 1213-1220, the stunning stained glass of the Miracle Windows depicts men and women suffering from ailments such as paralysis, insanity, swelling, and fever who recovered at Becket’s tomb. In the past, pilgrims portrayed in this window were thought to hail from Oxford, Warwickshire, and Essex. In fact, they appear to have all been from Kent and Canterbury.
The Friends are partnering with The William and Edith Oldham Trust and The Oxus Foundation to fund a detailed investigation of one of the magnificent Thomas Becket Miracle Windows to research more into the stories being told in these beautiful panels – and to study, catalogue and, finally, conserve these windows for centuries to come.
In this talk, given by Dr Rachel Koopmans, expert on medieval history and associate professor of York University, Canada, and Léonie Seliger, Director of our Stained Glass Studio, you will be the first to learn about this important work, which commenced in autumn 2024, celebrating the jewels in the crown of our medieval heritage.
Tickets: £10 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, £15 non-members. Includes tea and coffee.
This event is organised by and in support of The Friends of Canterbury Cathedral (Registered Charity No 256575).
Find out more about The Friends.
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